Batterie and battement
Batterie/Battement: Movements in which the legs and feet ‘beat’ together quickly, usually as part of a jump. They may be performed as part of a jetés, entrechats trois, quatre, cinq, changements, grand jeté, etc. The difference between grande batterie and petite batterie [ lit. 'big' and 'small' batterie] depends upon the amount of elevation the dancer needs to jump to perform the 'beating'.
i) Petits battements / battements tendus: extensions of the leg in which the working foot does not leave the ground, used to practise stretching the foot to a fully pointed position. See video above.
ii) Grands battements: high extensions of the whole leg, which is raised into the air and brought down again while keeping the rest of the body still.
Grand battements: watch Romany Pajdak, Royal Ballet First Artist, demonstrate grand battements.
ABC of ballet: One of a series of posts explaining useful ballet terms.